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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Old/Ancient Seven Wonders of the World

Everyone of us might know the new seven wonders of the world. However, how many of us really know about the ancient seven wonders of the world? Today, let me unveil them to you...

The Lighthouse of Alexandra, Egypt
 Illustration By DeAgostini

The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Greece
Color engraving By Ferdinand Knab/The Bridgman Art Library

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Iraq
Color lithograph By Ferdinand Knab/The Bridgman Art Library

The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt
Photograph By David Sutherland

The Temple of Artemis, Turkey
Color engraving By Ferdinand Knab/The Bridgman Art Library

The Colossus of Rhodes, Greece
Color engraving By Ferdinand Knab/The Bridgman Art Library

The Mausoleum of Hallicarnassus, Turkey
Painting by the Bridgeman Art Library

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  1. That’s really outstanding and incredible pictures you shared us. I appreciate to those who make these paintings. All these are good places and favorite of mine especially Pyramids of Giza.

  2. Thanks :). Indeed, they're truly outstanding..
