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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Spectacular Photos of Animal Migration

Animal migration is the travelling of long distances in search of a new habitat/home. The trigger for the migration is usually a response to lower temperatures resulting in a reduced food supply, and a change in day length. Migration is common in mammals, fish , and some insects but is most marked in birds. To be counted as a true migration, and not just a local dispersal or irruption, the movement of the animals should be an annual or seasonal occurrence. Here are some examples of truly awesome, breathtaking, and spectacular animal migration photos that you should see yourself. Enjoy the photos!

White Pilcans, Lousiana
Photograph by Annie Griffiths

Flamingo, Yucatan Peninsula
Photograph by Robert B. Haas 

 Jellyfish, Palau
Photograph courtesy National Geographic Television 

 Burchell's Zebra, Botswana
Photograph by Beverly Joubert 

Wildebeest, Kenya/Tanzania
Photograph by Anup Shah 

Albatross, Falkland Islands
Photograph by NGT

Pronghorn, Wyoming
Photograph by Joe Riis 

Bison, South Dakota 
Photograph by Joel Sartore

Mexican Free-Tailed Bats, Texas
Photograph by Joel Sartore 

Snow Geese, New Mexico 
Photograph by Ralph Lee Hopkins 

Walrusses, Svalbard 
Photograph by Paul Nicklen 

Gentoo Penguins, South Georgia 
Photograph by Paul Nicklen 

Monarch Butterflies, Mexico 
 Photograph by Joel Sartore 

Samburu Elephants, Kenya 
Photograph by Michael Nichols 

Elephant Seals & King Penguins 
Photograph by Paul Nicklen 

Red Crabs 
 Photograph by NGT

 Photograph by NGT

Army Ants
Photograph by NGT

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  1. Some outstanding wildlife photography thank you so much for this post - that shot of the bats must have taken so much planning its incredible

  2. These are very nice! Very inspirational for This Information,thanks for putting this together.

  3. Nice work buddy! Some of these are classics!

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  5. Great article and excellently researched too! Thanks for the share.

  6. Thanks everyone for loving it. I'll keep up the good work. :)

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